East West Rail Company’s Strategy Director, Will Gallagher, visits CDF
The last Cambridgeshire Development Forum (CDF) was delighted to welcome Will Gallagher, Strategy Director at the East West Rail Company, at the latest CDF meeting on the 15th of February.
Focusing on the potential for transport infrastructure development, Mr. Gallagher presented the highlights and outcomes of the East West Rail Company’s consultation on railway routes between Bedford and Cambridge to the CDF Members.
Members shared their views on potential new routes, and discussed with Mr. Gallagher the links between new routes, local plans and transport strategies. The discussion illustrated how important it would be to the route selection to have feedback from potential developers on the merits and drawbacks of particular areas; the Forum will make itself available as a source of that feedback.
Mr. Gallagher’s presentation and the following discussion provided valuable and promising insights on harmonising new transport infrastructures with local development needs, while integrated in a national infrastructure framework.